Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We're Royally Fucked(Sony and Nintendo)

Apparently, moments ago(3am in the morning....I'm half dead) Microsoft Xbox Team announce that their in developement project, Project Natal, will make us, human being, the controller.

You heard me right, playing Xbox 360 will not require controller anymore. It will all be interactive. I'm working on getting the video of this frankly ground breaing annoucement...so please be patience.

Lets recap what happen in the last few years. Microsoft launch Xbox 360, which is just like your PS2, except bigger, more problematic, and not available in Malaysia(not officially supported, due to piracy). Nintendo is stil sucking on thumbs and Sony is spewing bullshit about how PS3 > Sex. And then PS3 launch, and sex is still the best way for us(human) to have "fun". It was expensive. And then Nintendo Wii launch, and boy we're in for shock.

Nintendo use motion sensing controller. Imagine taking your handphone and your dildo(I do NOT want to know why you have a dildo), and play game with it. This is perfect. No one is more than scared shitless when a army of charging soldier is going to rain down dildos attack on you.

Ad now Wii is selling exercise game. Can you imagine that shit. If I want to exercise I'll put on my Superman tights and go exercise, I don;t need a machine that want me to hold handphone and dildo to work out. And for the record. Dildo handphone combination, not so good.

And then Wii sold more than PS3 and Xbox360 combined. And suddenly, both Microsoft and Sony is anouncing that Wii is NOT on the same market. So they constantly exchange hugs and kisses(what I mean is insults and useless words). Before Microsoft E3 anouncement it looked like PS3 is finally back to its rabid fanboy attracting state. They've got games line up. PSP Go , and a rumour price drop on PS3 and PS3 slim.

Then Microsoft annouce the bomb. Splinter Cell 5 is Xbox exclusive, Final Fantasy XIII will be available for Xbox 360. The dealbreaker for me is Final Fantasy. If you remember, of course you don't. Final Fantasy franchise is ALWAYS on PlayStation. It was one of the reason why people buy PlayStation for, to play Final Fantasy. With the latest installment coming to Xbox360, Sony loses its some of its testicle mass. For me, only Gran Turismo 5, God of War, is the only thing that interest me on PS3, because they we're from Sony in house game studio. unless Hell freeze over, we will NEVER see those games on Xbox.

Unless Microsoft buys Sony. Thats a thought.

So now you know what'll make me buy Xbox360 over PS3. Final Fantasy, Splinter Cell, Gears of War 2, Halo(maybe, but its for gay and I don't want to project a wrong image). Gran Turismo 5 and God of War. To be GRID and Forza just doesn't quite cut the cake. I'll try to get some hands on time with it, but until then, GT5 is my choice for some driving fun.

But but but.....PS3 have Blu-Ray. Now I'm planning to get a huge 24 inch LCD for future for my work, I can use the Blu Ray for movie, because frankly I'm abit bored ont he notion of dowloading videos to watch. But until I have a mountain of cash...I won't be stocking up on them movies. Or maybe I'll just move oversea, where their Internet DOESN'T SUCK COCK.

AEnough ranting, lets get on with >>see below for title<<


There will be a camera to take in live video feed of you doing wacky stuff like waving around like a complete nutjob so that you can play games. Or perhaps you always look at keyboard/mouse/controller pad with disgust, and wanted to do without them. You can with Project natal. If you want to scroll left, just make asmall handgesture of flicking your hand to the left and the screen will scroll. Its magical. And frankly I won't buy this bullshit have they not demonstrate it for real. After all yyou can't fake a live video feed can you.

This is insane. The most successful company in the world thinks that a controller is to big of a barrier for CASUAL gamers to buy their console. CASUAL gamers are like you, who play Minesweper, or fucking bullshit Facebook game and quizez, ned patronizing.

Why cant Alpha gamers like me get some real deal. The deal breaker that'll make me want a console. 

Because of lowlifes like you who don't play PROPER game where its extremely good fun(Who doesn't want to shoot someone in the head, punch them, slit their throat, break little kitten's neck, shoot some cat in the asshole), Microsoft have decided that a camera that takes in picture and project you inside this imaginary 3D world is necessary to bring more people to buy Xbox 360 and experience half done Wii-mitating avatar and look of the thing. I'm suprise Wii cant do that. but oh well.

Trust me when I say this. If you buy Xbox 360 just so that you can wave your body unlike how a human being greets a human being, or how human interact with items, I will punch you. Man, woman, child, senior citizen. I will punch you.

So basically, I have casual gamers. Once you game, don't go casual, Cause shit like this happen. Nintendo Wii= for casual gamer, not Xbox360 = family console, and PS3 = PenisSucking 3rd times the charm.

For blue bloded hardcore gamers....our dark days are ahead. And no, we will never, ever wage this war with handhpone and Dildo. Its just wrong. And fucking scary.